Our Mission

New Life Church exists to fulfill the Great Commission by sharing the Gospel with everyone. But, we don’t stop there. Our goal is to train and empower people to serve the Lord in their daily lives. No matter what stage of your Spiritual Walk you are in, we are here for you. Christ died to save sinners like us. He gave us hope for the future, and we want to share this beautiful message with everyone.

All good missions need a tool to measure success. For us, we refer to it as our mindset. As individuals and as a church, it enables us to maintain a clear focus on who all this is for - The Lord.

Our Mindsets
Life is a Battlefield
Life isn't always easy, but we can have unending hope in our Lord and Savior.
The Sidelines aren't for Us.
As believers, we aren't called to be bench warmers. Let's go out and see souls saved.
Equip and Encourage.
We are imperfect people striving to serve the Lord. We desire to help each other in any way possible.
It's Not About Me.
Let everything we do as individuals and as a church bring Glory to God.
Be Kingdom Minded
We are a missional church. Christ has called His Church to build the kingdom. Never lose sight of the Endgame.
Be Generous
Everything we have belongs to the Lord, so let us bless others, the way that we have been.